The Outer Banks, part 1

We took advantage of our access to the armed forces vacation club (which offers steeply discounted rates for various locations) and went to the Outer Banks, NC, over Thanksgiving! We went specifically for Wright Brothers stuff, but we spent a lot of time on Roanoke, experiencing the various history and activities there. We also learned that North America has its own native wine grape (one of two, or something), called the Scuppernong, which is sweet like a Muscadine. We stopped in at a local wine tasting room and most of the blends were with the Scuppernong and they were surprisingly good! Very smooth, without that cloying sweetness or kind of weird finish one can get with sweet wines.

The resort itself had some really great amenities. The most important for me was the full kitchen; Evie’s was the pool, which was pretty amazing.

Ben did so well in the pool on the ship to Bermuda, but hated this one. I don’t know if it was a temperature thing or what, though I don’t remember the water on the ship being that much warmer. Maybe it’s just an age thing and the next time we encounter a pool he’ll be more into it.

We planned it so that we could have breakfast and dinner at the room and lunches out, and brought along the slow cooker and a couple casserole dishes to make various breakfast casseroles and chili and pulled pork to use in other dishes. We did the same basic thing last year when we went to Williamsburg and Disneyland, and I really like this routine. Meals can be chaotic/stressful -and expensive -with young kids and I’d rather be in the relative privacy of our rooms as any number of us have meltdowns than out in restaurants.

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